

  • 5/15/2011: Added link to previous blog on Twitter API ME and a How-To (see below)

Smartphones get a lot of attention these days, but feature phones running Java ME outsell smartphones by a 5x-10x margin and have an installed based measured in the billions, not millions.

So, as an application developer or ISV, if you are going for the big markets, Java ME really needs to be part of your platform story. Not only does Java ME provide the big numbers, but Java ME also has all the tools and features to make creating great applications easy – applications that look and feel like smartphone-class applications.

Ok, so, let’s say you want to create one of those cool, new-fangled social networking-/location-based/interactive mash-up applications … Where do you start?

A while ago, I created a presentation and a sample application on just that topic. I presented it first at JavaOne 2010 in San Francisco as session S314178: “Beyond Smartphones: Rich Applications and Services for the Mobile Masses” and you can find the presentation by searching at the JavaOne content catalog.

video-shot.pngI’ve been continuously updating it since, and have now released the source code under the BSD license on The “Meet Me For Dinner” sample application and project shows the core building blocks and development aspects of creating rich and compelling applications and content for Java ME platforms.

The sample app is not perfect (still has a few minor bugs and is lacking some nice-to-have features) but the goal is to show interested developers how to get started and enables them, due to the liberal BSD license, to copy-and-paste code as a starting point for their own projects.

Check out this short video for an introduction. Then go the “Beyond Smartphones” project on for the full sources, instructions on how to build and run the code, and a forum for questions. Also, see my previous post on the Twitter API ME for more information and a “How-To”.

Finally, if you’re planning to attend JavaOne in Hyderabad, India next week (May 10-11), be sure to attend the “Beyond Smartphones” session scheduled for Wednesday, May 11, at 3:45 pm.


— Terrence