Newsflash 757208

Update 3/20/2014: Added notes for b54 drop.

As announced 2 weeks ago, we have started semi-regular developer drops of Java ME 8.

Developer Drop b54 was just pushed out today. As before, this is provided “as is”, with no guarantees of stability or functionality. 

To access, go to the EA #2 downloads page and look for “latest developer build”:

Note: It is recommended to use the NetBeans 8 RC1 or NetBeans 8 GA “All” bundle together with the latest Java ME SDK 8 developer build.


Change of Device Access API in the b54:

  • The Device Access API name and namespace has been changed to Device I/O (DIO) in preparation for the Java ME 8 final release. This requires that you update the package imports in your application. The latest DIO documentation can be found here.

Notes on changes for the Qualcomm IoE platform in b54:

  • The previously separate Netsetup BrewMP application has been removed and the functionality has been integrated into the Java runtime. Network setup for WiFi/3G is now done as part of the Java runtime initialization.
  • A new BrewMP application called reboot_java has been added. It is optional and can be used to trigger a soft reboot (Java reboot without board reboot).
  • Network setup, AccessPoint API, and Cellular API functionality has been improved/made more complete. 

Questions/feedback? Java ME Embedded OTN forum or


— Terrence